The Columban Missionary Society which was originally founded for mission in China finally ordained its first Chinese Columban at the beginning of 2020. This was a truly significant event and a moment of special blessing for the Society that had just wrapped up its centenary celebrations.
In 1920 the founder of the Society Bishop Galvin arrived in China together with some sixteen Columban missionaries. They diligently devoted themselves to serving the Chinese people up until the communists took over control in 1952. They suffered through wars, experienced tremendous floods, contagious diseases and severe poverty as they faithfully carried out their mission. During all that time and despite all the difficulties they faced never once did the give up hope. The seed of the gospel that was sown by these brave missionaries has finally borne fruit one hundred years later with the ordination of the first Chinese Columban.
“Go forth to the whole world and proclaim the good news.” Jesus invites all of us to become proclaimers of the Gospel and advises to continue despite any difficulties we may face in carrying out our mission and not allow our fears to prevent us from doing so.
In imitation of Saint Columban, our patron saint, all members of the Columban Missionary Society leave our own country and fulfill our mission of evangelization by going to other countries and while living among diverse races respecting their cultures we work in solidarity with the poor working for justice.
Columban Missionaries in Korea provided this reflection.